
Upgrade from 5.2

To upgrade from 5.2 version you must perform a few operations. First of all, you must upgrade all the binaries. Next, request for a new 5.3 license file.

Binaries Upgrade


Upgrading the agent is simple, you just override the agent library with the new one.


If you use an rpm package, then you upgrade the server installation by executing the following command:

# rpm -U --noscripts flopsar-server-<VER>.<arch>.rpm

If you use deb package, then you upgrade the server installation by executing the following command:

# dpkg -i flopsar-server-<VER>.<arch>.deb


If the workstation is served from the server itself, to upgrade it you need to execute the following command:

# flopsar-server update --app flopsar-workstation.zip <server_home>

where <server_home> is a location of the server home directory.

Make sure, the user the Flopsar server is running on has appropriate permissions to the Workstation files after upgrade.

Last updated