Agents Status

Agent Details

The view is divided into panes with either text information or a graph on them. All the information in this view is reported by the agent. The reported data are collected since the agent started and reset every time the agent restarts.

The following details are reported in the view.

Version : version of the agent.

Connected From : source socket address of the agent. It shows from which socket address the agent connects to manager.

Started At : agent startup time. It shows when the agent started.

Uptime : agent uptime time. It shows how long the agent is up.

Last update : agent last report time. It shows how much time has passed since the last agent report received by Workstation.

Additionally, there are two graphs that present current number of instrumented methods and the current outbound size of data sent from the agent.

Agent Logs

In the Agent Log tab, you can control the current agent log level and monitor the number of logged messages with respect to their log level. The number is counted from the moment the agent starts. If you want to change the current log level, just click the level in the white box and select a new level.

If you want to see recent agent logs, you can retrieve them from the agent by clicking the green download button. It will retrieve up to 1 MB of recent logs.

You can change the logger level by selecting the level from the current level tile.

JVM State

This view presents CPU and memory usage graphs of the selected JVM.

CPU usage graph is supported only for GNU/Linux platforms.

JVM Properties

In this view you can retrieve JVM system properties.

JVM Packages

This feature allows you to see what packages are available in your application. It is useful if you want to know what packages are available in your Java environment so that you can add some class rules to your configuration. The packages are reported up to the third level.

JVM Class Loaders

You can retrieve a list of class loaders detected by Agent. The result is presented in the form of a table. Each reported class loader can be in one of the four available states:

  • PENDING : to be instrumented,

  • NO NEED : has been checked and no instrumentation is needed,

  • SKIPPED : has not been checked and will not be instrumented,

  • INSTRUM : has been instrumented.

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