Data Browsing

Workstation allows you to browse all the collected data. In order to browse the data, you need to fill out the form below.

You must specify at least a pattern for agents and the time range. Additionally, you can search for methods by parameters. In KEY field, you must specify an exact key name for the parameters. In VALUE field, you must specify a phrase to search for. How the phrase will be matched depends on the option selected below the field. If you select contains option, only those methods will be returned, which parameters value contain the phrase. If you select exact option, only those methods will be returned, which parameters value equal to the phrase. Finally, if you select regex option, the phrase will be regarded as a regular expression and only those methods will be returned, which parameters value match the regular expression.

By default, the parameters are searched only for root calls. If you want to search for parameters in every method call of the root call execution stack, then you need to select DEEP SEARCH option.

Browse Result View

When you click SEARCH button, you will get a similar view to the one below.

The table is composed of the following columns:

  • AGENT : name and type of the agent,

  • THREAD : name of the thread the call was executed within,

  • METHOD : method name and signature,

  • PARAMETERS : method parameters preview,

  • TIME : time stamp of the end of the method execution,

  • EXCS INSIDE : number of exceptions thrown within the method execution tree,

  • CPU TIME : percentage of duration the method spent on CPU,

  • DURATION : method execution duration,

  • CALLS : total number of reported methods execution within the method execution tree.

Whenever you click a record in the table, the details of the selected method are displayed on the right panel. The details cover:

  • CLASS : fully qualified class name the selected method is member of,

  • METHOD : method name and signature,

  • TIME : time stamp of the end of the method execution,

  • DURATION: method execution duration,

  • CPU TIME : time the method spent on CPU,

You can see any record details by double clicking it.

Parameters List

Additionally, when the selected method has parameters, they are displayed in the PARAMETERS list. The list records contain both KEY and VALUE. When you select a list record, its value is displayed in the text area below the list.

The list has a context menu, which contains several actions you can perform on a selected parameter.

Last updated