Data Inspector

This is a special view, which makes an analysis of your application performance much easier. In order to run it, you need to fill out the form below. Besides the methods execution analysis, you can also add some key-value metrics, which will be presented in the same resulting view. This is the fastest way to analyze your application since all you have to do is specify a pattern for agents and a time range.

Search Form

KV Metrics

This is a list of all stashed KV metrics, that will be used by the Data Inspector. You can access this list by clicking KV METRICS link on the search form. Each record in the list has a check box at the beginning which enables/disables the metric. If the metric is disabled, the Data Inspector result will not contain the metric graph. Absolute check box toggles between Relative and Absolute graph type (it has the same meaning as in custom KV graphs). Finally, if you want to remove a metric, just click the trash icon.

Analysis Result

As a result of the data inspector, you will get a result similar to the one below. This is a list of previews of partial results. If you click the expand icon in the top-right corner of a preview, you will get a detailed view of the selected preview.


The index is composed of two graphs. The upper one presents exceptions density and the lower one presents mean off-cpu.

Calls Grid

This view presents a grid of cells, which aggregates some specific values. In order to choose which values should be displayed, you need to select one of the options in SELECTED VIEW section. This can be Calls, Exceptions or Off-CPU.

In the Agents section you get a list of all agents matching your query pattern along with their number of calls share.

Each cell represents a collection of methods calls. Its width represents a time range, which is calculated as a quotient of the query total time range and the number of cells in a single row (which is 20). The cell height represents a duration range, which is specified in the CELL HEIGHT field. You can change this value (in milliseconds) by updating the field and clicking Reload button. There are two special rows in the grid, the bottom and top ones. The bottom row aggregates all methods calls, which duration is less than CELL HEIGHT value. For any next row, the duration is added to the previous row until the last one. The top row aggregates all the remaining methods calls.

Whenever you move over a cell, its details are displayed below the agents' list.


Each cell contains a number in its center. This number value represents the number of methods calls aggregated in the cell. The cell background opacity is a qualitative representation of a ratio of the number of methods calls in the cell and the total number of methods calls.




Exceptions view presents a list of exceptions thrown in all methods called satisfying the conditions specified in the search form. However, these are not all exceptions thrown in the methods, it is only a subset of them. Suppose we have a method A execution stack similar to the one below.

Each rectangle represents a method call. If the background color of a rectangle is red, it means that an exception has been thrown. If the background is green, no exception has been thrown. In this particular example we can see there are four exceptions thrown in this stack in total, and all of them have been handled in the root method A. However, only two exceptions will be reported, the ones thrown in B and F methods.

If you want to know how particular exception occurrences are distributed over time, just select the exception from the table and Occurrences Time Histogram item in the context menu. You will get a bar chart with the selected exception occurrences over time. You can click the bars to see more details. If you want to see where the selected exception come from, just select Affected Calls item from the context menu.

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