


The server is shipped as a Docker image. To install the Flopsar server, you only need to execute the command or use docker-compose.yml file:

$ docker run -d      \
-p 9000:9000         \
-p 9443:9443         \
-e ACCEPT_EULA=y     \
flopsar/server:4.0.0 flopsar start

This will create a new container and start the server. By default, the server listens on two ports: 9000 and 9443. The first port is used by agents and the second one by workstations.

It is recommended to attach a volume for the server data. You can do this by executing the command:

$ docker run -d                              \
-p 9000:9000                                 \
-p 9443:9443                                 \
-v <REPLACE_WITH_YOUR_PATH>:/opt/flopsar     \
-e ACCEPT_EULA=y                             \
flopsar/server:4.0.0 flopsar start

By default, the server uses /opt/flopsar for its data directory. This can be changed by setting the FLOPSAR_HOME environment variable, e.g.:

$ docker run -d                             \
-p 9000:9000                                \
-p 9443:9443                                \
-v <REPLACE_WITH_YOUR_PATH>:/flopsar        \
-e FLOPSAR_HOME=/flopsar                    \
-e ACCEPT_EULA=y                            \
flopsar/server:4.0.0 flopsar start


The server component can also be installed manually, if Docker is not an option. In this case, first you must install the Swift runtime. Obviously, you can install the server only on those platforms, that are supported by the Swift runtime.

To install the server manually, follow the instructions below:

  • download the Swift runtime

  • install all the dependencies required by the runtime

  • unpack the Swift binaries into the system root directory:

    $ sudo tar xzvf <SWIFT.TAR.GZ> -C / --strip=1

  • copy the flopsar binary to your machine


To install the agent, follow carefully the instructions below:

  1. copy the agent file flopsar-agent-X.Y.Z.jarto your server machine.

  2. create a directory (we call this directory a Flopsar home directory) and ext subdirectory for the agent data.

  3. configure the agent.

  4. optionally put all your agent plugins into the ext directory.

  5. restart your application.

When the agent starts for the first time it does not have any profile assigned. It just registers itself to the server after a successful connection, sends its status data, and does not instrument anything nor send any data.

The agent must have a license assigned to send its basic data and a profile to send the instrumented data.


If you are on a Windows platform, just download a Windows installation file and install the workstation. For other platforms, download the zip file with the workstation application. Since the application is distributed without Java runtime, you will need to install both JRE 11 and JFX before you start the workstation.

Quick Start

To quickly set up and start your environment follow the instructions below:

  1. Download, install and start the server

  2. Download, install the agent, and start your application

  3. Download, install and start the workstation

  4. Log in to the workstation in Admin Mode and register a license

  5. Log out and log in to the workstation again in normal mode

  6. Assign the license to your applications

  7. Create a profile, add some rules, and assign one of your applications to the profile

Last updated