Data Browser
If you want to explore method invocations and their collected data, you should use the Data Browser
Browser Form

There is only one mandatory field you must fill to make a query and retrieve the result. You must specify the date range in the fields Date
and Time Interval
. This will retrieve all available data from the specified time range.
Additional Options
If you want to narrow your search results to an application, you should specify the application name in the Application
field. This will retrieve methods invocations only from the specified application.
To narrow your search results even more, you can fill out the Pattern
field. The specified value is a pattern to search for in methods invocations data. You need to select one of the four types:
the pattern will match when the methods data contains the pattern value,exact
the pattern will match only if the methods data are exactly the same as the pattern value,starts
the pattern will match when the methods data starts with the pattern value,regex
the pattern will match when the methods data satisfies the regular expression in the pattern value.
If the Pattern
field is filled, the search query will retrieve any method invocation that satisfies the query conditions, otherwise only root invocations of execution stacks will be retrieved.
If you want to retrieve only those invocations that were executed within a particular thread, just specify the value in the Thread name
Search Results
The search results are presented in a form of a list. Each list record presents a single method invocation. If you want to see more details about the selected method invocation, just click the method signature and you will get details of the execution stack this method is a member of.

Execution Stack Details
This view presents an complete execution stack of the selected method.

Execution Stack
The method execution stack is depicted as an inverted stack, where a root call is located at the top and all consequent invocations are placed on each other. Each bar in the stack denotes a single method invocation. The width of the bar denotes the method duration and it is scaled relative to the root call bar width. The time flows from left to right, hence the order of bars on the same level matters. Each bar has one of four background colors. If an invocation has no additional data, its background is grey. If the invocation have only parameters its background is green. If it has only an exception its background is red then. It if has both an exception and parameters its background is orange.

The stack is interactive, if you click one of the bars you will get its method invocation details, below the execution stack. The method is identified by its signature and a class it belongs to. There are two copy icons, next to both Class name
and Method
labels. If you click the icon, the corresponding value will be copied to the profiles clipboard, which can be used in defining instrumentation rules.
This view presents a list of all methods called within the execution stack. The methods are aggregated and sorted. You can sort them with respect to one of the three criteria: self time, calls count and exceptions count.

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